Friday 10 June 2011

Q : I have observed that it is very tough to keep the mind free. I used to think too much and then get in to unnecessary trouble because of the same. I feel that the mind can be streamlined. Can you suggest the way?

A : First of all, it is important to understand what is mind. Mind is nothing but a collection of thoughts. Other than thoughts, there is nothing called mind. Now, the next question is, how do these thoughts rise?

Thoughts rise because of Vasanas. Vasanas are nothing but latent impressions – impressions created deep inside us because we have been repeatedly doing certain activities for a long period of time. It is only when one is in deep sleep or when one is sedated that his mind does not function. During all other times, it is active. This is the nature of the mind.

Having thus said, it is also important that you don’t let your intellect watch the mind all the time and worry about your current state. This will create a complex in you, making you either guilty or proud and over-confident. So it is best not to police the mind. Don’t mind what mind does.

The elephant cannot keep its trunk still. It keeps swaying it always. In order to arrest its movement, the mahout gives it a huge chain to hold on to. Similarly, in order for the mind to streamline its thoughts, we have it focus on the divine Name and Form of the Lord.

By chanting the Mahamantra either mechanically or whole-heartedly, the complex can be overcome and the thoughts can be streamlined. The Mahamantra has the power to do so.

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji

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